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19 junho, 2010

Asymmetrical House Design by William O’Brien Jr.

Asymmetrical House Design by William O’Brien Jr.

Allandale House is an A-frame(s) house designed by William O’Brien Jr. It’s a small vacation house with asymmetrical design. It links three horizontal extrusions of “leaning,” or asymmetrical A-frames. The skinny A-frame on the western side contains the library, wine cellar and garage. The wide A-frame in the center of the house is dedicated to two floors of bedrooms and bathrooms. The medium A-frame on the eastern side consists of living, kitchen and dining areas. The house is full of built-in storage. In the widest A-frame a second floor could be found. That was possible only there that’s why it end up in the middle of the whole house.

Allandale House é uma casa projectada por William O'Brien Jr. É uma pequena casa de férias com design assimétrico. Ela liga três extrusões horizontal de "inclinado", ou assimétrica A-frames. O magro frame-A, no lado ocidental contém a biblioteca, adega e garagem. A ampla estrutura-A, no centro da casa é dedicada a dois andares de quartos e banheiros. O meio-frame do lado do oriente, sala, cozinha e refeitórios. A casa está cheia de built-in de armazenamento.  

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